Top Ten Tuesday- Characters I Would Like To Read About Before/After Their Book!

WOAH long title I know!

Hey guys! I hope you are doing very well and you are getting a lot of reading done while the month is still young!

The theme for this weeks Top Ten Tuesday is very wide- Ten Childhood Characters You’d Love To Revisit As Adults (ie a novella or something to see what they grew up to be) — you could always just pick YA characters you’ve read recently you wouldn’t mind revisiting in 10 years or so. Or you could pick 10 characters and guess what you think they’d be doing in 10 years or 20 years. OR you could go the other way and wish for coming of age stories for adult characters you love. 

SO there was lots I could do with this theme, but I decided to keep it simple and try to split it half and half, one half I would like to read about before their book and the other half  I would like to read as after their book. You might see characters from the same book in this post as well. The time frame might vary but I will state it in the explanations.

Let’s just get straight into the list then!



Simon Snow (Carry On)- 5 years back into the past


I think the biggest reason why I would like to visit Simon Snow a couple of years before Carry On would be to see the world that Rainbow Rowell created in a lot more detail. I would probably find more similarities with Harry Potter if I book like that came out, but I would still love to read it. Just hearing snippets of all of the whacky adventures Simon got up to isn’t enough!

Darrow (Red Rising trilogy)- 5 years into the future


After the way Morning Star is, I need to know what happens to these characters, especially Darrow! I mean I know we are getting that spin-off series, but I need more Darrow! And I need to know how he fits into his new ‘role’ if you people who have read Morning Star know what I mean!

Gansey (The Raven Boys series)- 3 years back into the past

I picked the great Gansey as I would love to see how excited he was about the hunt for the Welsh king and see how he evolves I guess. I’m not sure on the time frame but if Ronan and Adam where there three years ago too, that would be an extra bonus to seeing him three years ago from The Raven Boys.

Liesel (The Book Thief)- 5 years into the future


For obvious reasons I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO LIESEL! I know we know about what happens to Liesel but I want to know what happens a little bit after the whole…event that happens in the book. I want to know if she got over it, her relationship with Max and so on and so forth.

Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter series)- 12 years back into the past


I would of course love to learn about Dumbledore’s childhood but I am more interested in the First Wizarding World so I would like to 12 years back before Philospher’s Stone. Just imagining reading about all of the Marauders and Lily makes me grin like an idiot, but Albus’ POV would be particularly intriguing I think because…well it’s Dumbledore!

Clara (Unearthly)- 5 years into the future


I know we got an epilogue, but I basically want another story 3 years after the epilogue. I can’t really say much because SPOILERS, but basically I would love to read about how her life has changed same with Angelea.

Kady (Illuminae)- 5 years back into the past


I said Kady, but basically anyone on any planet because I feel like I need to know EVERYTHING in this universe. While reading Illuminae everything was a whirlwind, but now that the whirlwind has settled, I feel I real eager need to know more about the planets and life before the invasion.

Luna (Harry Potter)-  2 years into the future


Yes, ONLY TWO YEARS INTO THE FUTURE! I kind of have a headcanon for the time around the epilogue, but my headcanon is blank when it comes to straight after the Battle of Hogwarts. So I little novel about how our favourite Ravenclaw copes with the aftermath of war would be very nice in my opinion.

Khalid (The Wrath and the Dawn)- 5 years back into the past


Khalid is such an interesting, dark and mysterious character I would lap up any chance to read about his childhood, or just about him, before he became all serious. After writing this, now I really want to read a story like this!

Katniss (The Hunger Games)- 6 months into the future


So what I really mean is that I want a story that happens right after the epilogue. Not a long story, I just want to know what a (SPOILERS. MAYBE. POSSIBLY)reformed Panem would look like and how smoothly everything is being handled. And some information about her two children would be a nice bonus.

Those are all of the characters I would love to read about either before their respective book or after! Tell me below what you think about my picks and what characters you would love to read a story about (before or after their respective book)! Let’s chat!

I’ll write soon!


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-Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish where they pick a new topic each week for us to create a top ten list to.

22 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday- Characters I Would Like To Read About Before/After Their Book!

  1. rattlethestarssite says:

    Fantastic list! I would love to know more about Dumbledore. We only get tiny glimpses into his life in the books. I had Luna on my list too.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beth (Reading Every Night) says:

    Oh I loved your picks for this week, and loved how you looked into the past as well as the future for some characters, this is the first post I;ve seen which has done that!
    I would love to see Gansey beginning his search for the Welsh King, I’d love to see him meeting Noah and Adam and Ronan for the first time as well and just to see so much more through his eyes before he met Blue!
    Also I would love a sequel of sorts to The Book Thief, and anything HP related – sequels of prequels – will always go on my to-read list! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • A Stranger's Guide to Novels says:

      Oh really? Well I thought it would just be fun, alternating from past an future!
      It would be so interesting seeing the search from the start! Someone needs to email Stiefvater about this idea!
      A sequel for The Book Thief would be a must read for many people!
      Us Potterheads aren’t fussy are we hahaha, just give us books!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Beth (Reading Every Night) says:

        It was definitely fun to read, and although I would love sequels to my favourite books I’d love some prequels as well (the Marauders from HP come to mind!)
        Now that The Raven Cycle series has finished I’m very excited to see what Stiefvater comes up with next! 😀 I’m really feeling the need to re-read The Book Thief and HP soon!


  3. Paul @ The Galaxial Word says:

    YES Authors take note because THIS IS WHAT YOU GUYS NEED TO GET WRITING ON I haven’t read the other books but I definitely agree with Katniss, Luna, Khalid, Albus, Darrow and Simon. Don’t you ever get that feeling that you want MORE after a book? And you’re like… AUTHOR. WRITE ANOTHER BOOK. GET TO IT

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Madeline @ The SFF Bookshelf says:

    I agree with you when it comes to Illuminae! I want to know so much more about the world before the events of the book, and Kady would definitely be an interesting perspective. Awesome answers 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Lois says:

    Darrow’s new role. I am intrigued and this is making me want to grab my copy of Morning Star ASAP. I’d also love to see how Gansey, Adam and Ronan come together and the shenanigans they got up to before Blue entered the picture. I’d also like to check in with my Raven Boys in the future as well. I basically just need to never say goodbye to them haha.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. transhaan says:

    LIESEL AND KADY YESSS ! I think they are such nice characters 😀 I’d defnitely want to revisit them in the future! Hahah I can so imagine Kady being like the top system operator with Ezra by her side an Aidan as her friend XD – Trang


  7. Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews says:

    Ahhh yes at Gansey, Kady and Luna! I’d looooove to revisit all of them. I can’t believe I forgot to put Illuminae in my post (that’s a first 😂). I’d love to get some prequels for The Raven Cycle series. It’d be super interesting to see how everything was before. And there’s just soo many possibilities for Luna, she’s such an amazing character.


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