i’m not dead + rereading my favourite books and why you should too

Most of you guys have probably forgotten about me…well it HAS BEEN THREE YEARS.

Not going to lie, when I first started this blog I was quite young (well I still am young I like to think) and what I didn’t realise was how much effort you needed to put in to continue growing your blog and its general maintenance. I was able to keep up with it for a while, but I eventually crashed, and basically rejected anything to do with blogging, bookstagramming, tweeting and (worst of all) reading. I started seeing reading as a chore- ME DEDICATED BOOKWORM SINCE BIRTH LOOKING AT READING AS A CHORE! It was only a few months ago I started, slowly, snooping into the bookish spaces online. During these three years I’ve grown up A LOT. Like…I’m an actual grown up now (in public places anyway)

As a type these words I smile. I REMEMBER HOW MUCH I LOVE WORD VOMITING INTO THE VOID. Anyway the short of it is that I’m back. And back for good.


Now lets talk about books.

To begin my decent into madness- I mean to get back into reading once more, I’m reading my favourite books before I went AWOL before reading all of the fabulous books that I’ve missed over the past three years. If you have an recommendations, comment them down below!

I’ve started with Six of Crows. And I’m so happy I did. I love these characters so much it hurts. Bardugo really outdoes herself with the way she is able to craft such a rich setting and three dimensional characters with depth. I was worried that rereading it I would find faults, but at the moment I’m just loving it more then I think I ever did.

I’ve also started Red Rising. The opening is as slow as I remembered it being, but I’m powering on, I know what awesome plot Pierce Brown has put together in this book. I’m planning on reading Golden Sun and Morning Star as well this month. All in preparation for Iron Gold and Dark Age!

Lastly, I’m planning to read Illuminae! I loved it the first time I read it, and now the trilogy is complete! I loved Kaufman and Kristoff’s writing and I am beyond excited for their next book, Aurora Rising. Due to the formatting of the book, it should be a quick read.


So why should you read your favourites? BECAUSE THEY’RE YOUR FAVOURITES! Rereading Six of Crows has inspired me to write, read and love the world of storytelling and stories. It’s so nice to be enraptured in a world that is both safe and dangerous, known but still mysterious.

If you ever forget the power of reading, like I did three years ago, pick up your favourite book and savour the feeling of pure childish bliss as you uncover mysteries and run alongside your favourite characters on last time.


Will blog soon, enjoy your weekend!

QOTD: Favourite books to reread?




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