Intimidating TBR Book Tag!

Hello guys! I hope you are doing really well! Sorry for not posting yesturday and just being generally not on WordPress for the last couple of days. I’ve been working on my WIP after getting a sudden burst of inspiration and the will to write. It’s so unfair that if I focus too much on writing it hurts my blogging, but if I focus too much blogging my writing hurts. You can never win!

Anyway, I think it’s time I do a tag, because it feels like I haven’t did one in aaaaages. As you can tell by the title of the post I’m doing the intimidating TBR tag! I was tagged by the lovely Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews. Check out her blog because it’s amazing!

I was pretty sure I did this tag already, but apparently not so I’m excited as I’ve seen this tag everywhere!


What book have you been unable to finish?

Like Lauren, I’ve actually never DNF a book, just took long breaks while reading it.But I will pick a recent purchase and a gigantic book, that book being The Romanovs by Simon Sebag Montefiore. I started this book when I got it in April, but I have hardly made a dent because it’s over 700 pages long. It’s a non-fiction book, so I don’t think I’m suppose to read it off in one go like a normal fiction book.  IT’S JUST SO HUGE!


What book have you yet to read because you just haven’t had the time?

Can I just say every book? Because I want to read all the books but time isn’t a bibliophile’s friend. I will pick a big one though and go with Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarkee. I got this book this year I think (?) back in February or around that time. It is a BRICK. And it’s a more snuggle up and read type of fantasy which is fine, but I like to read them in winter. And I have no time for a straight up 700+ page fantasy book in spring.


What book have you yet to read because it’s a sequel?

Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas. I really want to read it but I’m scared about what’s going to happen in it and if everybody is going to be alright. After the ending at the end of the book, the ending where everything went to crap, I am very nervous about starting Queen of Shadows. I mean, the ending almost BROKE ME! That and IT’S MASSIVE! What’s with all of the massive books these days?


What book have you yet to read because it’s a new release?

Can I say every new release from January to now? I am really bad at catching up on new releases! I think one that I’ve seen getting a lot of praise around the bookish places on the internet is The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi. In my head, this book was either going to be really good or meh and thank god it was the former! Now I can happily get this, knowing there’s a good chance I’ll love it!


5) What book have you yet to read because I read a book by the same author and didn’t like it?

This is easy for me! Hollow City by Ransom Riggs. I read Miss Peregrine’s last year and thought it was alright, but really disappointed by it. I want to give Hollow City a go because at least now I know what I’m getting into but it’s not up there in my TBR.


6) What book have you yet to read because you aren’t in the mood?

I’m not going to pick out one particular book, but an entire genre and that is Classics. I just can’t be  bothered with the writing style that most classics have and this mood that I’m in isn’t helping me complete my Classics Challenge 2016. Hopefully if I force myself to read one, I might just get in the mood for some more.

7) What book have you yet to read because it’s humongous?

I think I’ve used up all of my humongous reads! Oh, wait, no I haven’t! The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness. It’s not the biggest one on my shelf, but it’s still bloomin huge! And now that we’re getting into the summer, I want to read more quick and light books and TKoNLG seems like the exact opposite! I still want to read it though because it’s Patrick Ness!


8) What book have you yet to read because it was a cover buy with bad reviews?

I don’t think I have a book like this. Not even one. I Goodreads most of the books I buy now before I buy them or they get recommended to me by some brilliant bloggers, so I don’t have one book that is literally trash but the cover is beautiful.


Wait! I’ve got one hahaha! Well I haven’t bought it but I was about to because the cover is really pretty (and the synopsis is pretty intriguing) and that is The Glittering Court by Richelle Mead. The reviews for this book aren’t the best which is an utter shame because this book was one of my most anticipated reads.


9) Which book on your TBR is the most intimidating to you?

The entire Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson. The thing is EVERYONE and their mother loves this trilogy, but why, why are the books so long? The trilogy sounds like pure fantasy and I love pure fantasy, but I just don’t have the time to be invested in such a heavy series.


I tag…

Cinderzena @ Cinderzenablogs

Heather @ The Sassy Book Geek

Vicky @ Book and Strips

Reg @ She Latitude

and anyone who wants to do the tag! This was a really fun tag to do so I’ll encourage you to do so!

I’ll write soon!


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16 thoughts on “Intimidating TBR Book Tag!

  1. Eve Messenger says:

    Gawd, I love this tag. I am so “on the same page” with you re: Mistborn. I actually got as far as reading the first page and the dense language and daunting length made my eyes cross. Still, everybody–EVERYBODY keeps saying reading it, so I’m going to try it again this summer. As for The Knife of Never Letting Go, that one becomes a pretty fast read, I think. I couldn’t agree more about Miss Peregrine’s. Like you said, it was okay but, honestly, what is all the hype about?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. beckakw says:

    I agree that classics are just really hard to be in the mood for. They’re not exactly the type of book you go to if you’re looking for a fun read. Also, I’m going to be like everyone and their mother and say that Mistborn is pretty fantastic. I just finished the second book, and while it is long and a bit slow, it’s worth it.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Reg @ She Latitude says:

    Thanks for the tag! Ransom Riggs’ covers are so creepy/horror-ish sometimes, haha.

    Also yeah I agree with Mistborn. I love Brandon Sanderson and has loved pretty much anything I’ve read from him, but Mistborn just intimidates me because it’s kind of… long. Like you, I also don’t really have the time or energy to be invested in such a heavy fantasy. 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Emma The Book Lover says:

    I love all your answers. I’m the same with Hollow City, I actually quite liked Miss Peregrine’s but I haven’t picked up the next one yet.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews says:

    Yay, so happy you did this 🙂 I love stalking people’s TBRs, haha!! I’ve read and enjoyed Hollow City, but it’s definitely a book you need to be in the right mood for. I feel you with classics too. I need to read one this month for the classics challenge, but I’m just not feeling it? Sanderson’s books intimidate me so much. I’m not huge on the genre, but I want to give them a go – they’re just so big!! I don’t know if I can do it, haha.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Beth (Reading Every Night) says:

    Queen of Shadows is amazing! I mean yeah the ending to Heir of Fire was horrific and heartbreaing but trust me the next book more than makes up for it because the characters are all amazing and the story is edge-of-your-seat brilliant. Also oh my god The Star-Touched Queen is amazing (in my opinion) it is porbably the best book of 2016 that I have read so far and I really really hope you love it as well, I have a few new releases I haven’t gotten around to yet because they only just arrived while I was on holiday so now I’m back it’s back to reading loads of the books I’ve been waiting for for what feels like ever!


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