Top Ten Tuesday- Top 5 Recent Roarin’ Reads!

Hello everybody! I hope everybody is having a great day! March went quick didn’t it? It felts like I haven’t read a lot, but there is still three days and I’m hoping to get through two books in that time period. Wish me luck!

Anyway, today isn’t a Top Ten list but more of a Top 5 list. The official theme for this was is 10 Of My Most Recent 5 Star Reads or you can do Top Ten Recent 1 star reads or mix it up and so on and so forth. But as I’ve been checking my reviews I haven’t been giving a lot of books 5 stars. I mean, I’ve been reading a lot of books that are great and are around 4.5 and 4.75 and the only book I’ve scored under 3 stars this year was Room which was 2.75.

So this post is just going to be top 5 recent roarin reads that I feel like I need to shout and scream about!

Now onto the books!


1.Scarlet by Marissa Meyer


Some have you have already seen my review of this brilliant books (which is here if you want to check it out) but basically this book was so good! A solid 4.5/5 for me and it did what a book sequel should always want you to do- read on. People have already told me that the series still gets better so I need Cress right now.

2. Red Rising Trilogy by Pierce Brown

I hope you guys aren’t sick and tired of me gushing about this series because I haven’t! It wouldn’t be fair to all of the other glorious books if this trilogy took up more than half of the spaces. So basically if you haven’t read this trilogy, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? This is one of my favourite series ever because it is so merciless to the characters and to the reader. Morning Star was to die for and Pierce Brown has now become an automatic buy author now. I can’t give any higher praise then that.

3. Crown of Midnight by Sarah.J Maas


This sequel was just so badass and so action packed and raw and suspenseful I had to give it a five star rating. Maas’ writing was just so brilliant and clear you never really got confused during the action scenes (and there were plenty of those!) and she balanced out all of the action with some vital info-dumping so that we understood our favourite assassin and her situation better. I’m in the middle of Heir of Fire and I’m loving that too.

4. Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz


I read this beautiful, beautiful book back in January so it isn’t ‘recent’ as such but oh my gosh it was so beautiful (and I don’t care if I said beautiful three times in one sentence because it is!)! The charcaters were just so authentic and I know people had a kind of problem with Ari but ARI WAS CUTE AND CONFLICTED! And I need to sequel which is coming out like right now!

5. Tokyo Ghoul – Volume 1 by Sui Ishida


This is a manga but I’m still including it because it was so good and a five star read! The artwork in it was so gorgeous and also just the careful selection of words. You just want to hug Keneki to pieces while reading it but also slap him and tell him to suck it up and deal with it. Fantastic!


Those are my recent roarin’ reads! I think there’s a mix up there- we have two fantasies, a sci-fi trilogy, a contemporary and a manga! Are there any up above that you have read and gave a high rating? Or recommend me one of your recent 5 star reads!

I’ll write soon!


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-Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish where they pick a new topic each week for us to create a top ten list to.


47 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday- Top 5 Recent Roarin’ Reads!

  1. Lois says:

    There should never be a limit to all the gushing about the Red Rising series. I absolutely adored the first two books in the series and yet I am terrified to read Morning Star because Pierce is the kind of author that will undoubtedly throw some heartbreaking twists into the book.
    I’m so glad you enjoyed Scarlet and I hope you enjoy the rest of the books in the Lunar Chronicles as well. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • A Stranger's Guide to Novels says:

      Definitely! You should be able to shout at the top of mountain tops how brilliant Red Rising is!
      Morning Star had some cruel, I mean CRUEL, scenarios but it was all so worth it!
      I’m really enjoying the series so far! As soon as I get Cress I’m going to drop everything and read it!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Beth (Reading Every Night) says:

    I LOVE the Red Rising trilogy, I still need to read the last one but the first two were some of my favourites reads. Also The Lunar Chronicles is my all-time favourite series and I am currently reading the Throne of Glass series and it is amazing.
    Great picks for this week!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Reg | She Latitude says:

    The only thing I’ve read from your list is Crown of Midnight, which I think is the best book from the whole series as of yet. 😛

    And I really need to get into Red Rising! I have it on my eventual TBR but I can kind of feel my interest dwindling… yet I’ve seen it in a couple of TTTs this week with five stars, and that’s just great.

    Liked by 1 person

    • A Stranger's Guide to Novels says:

      I finished Heir of Fire and it wasn’t the best, but the ending was so good that I need Queen of Shadows now! Hopefully it’s better that HoF.
      Red Rising is SOO GOOD! Like if I was rich I would give everybody a copy of Red Rising- it’s that good!


      • Reg | She Latitude says:

        I felt like the first half of Heir of Fire is very slow, not that much happening. And given that I dislike the protagonist, it’s pretty hard to enjoy the story, haha. I’m actually not sure why I’m still reading it — maybe I feel like I’ve invested too much time into the series to quit. XD


  4. Bookenstein says:

    Of course I totally support Ari and Dante making it to the list! Also, Tokyo Ghoul! I forgot all about that… and now I want to binge read it again. Awesome list! I’ve been hearing quite a few good things about The Red Rising Trilogy, so it might be time for me to seriously think about getting those in my possession.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Kat Impossible says:

    I really, really, really need to read the Lunar Chronicles and the Throne of Glass series. Catching up is just so hard to do, especially when there are so many books to read in general. And then new ones just keep getting published. It’s just no fair.

    Liked by 1 person

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