Book Recommendations| January 2016

Hello guys! I’m going to bring this monthly post that I started in October I think. But basically I wanted to create a post were people in the comments can recommend different books to other bloggers in the comments. I just thought it might be good to have nice post sized space to have a good natter about the books people love.

Today, I thought people should try to recommend their favourite series down below.

Now I could say Harry Potter but I will actually recommend the Queen Of The Tearling trilogy by Erika Johansen which will be coming to an end in 2016. The two books before have got everything to politics to an evil, magical Queen to a kickass female protagonist.

What series do you recommend? I would love to know what series people hold dear to their hearts.

I’ll write soon.




11 thoughts on “Book Recommendations| January 2016

  1. Ashleigh says:

    Oh I love The Queen of the Tearling! I haven’t read The Invasion of the Tearling yet because I’m still waiting for it to be released in paperback (which is taking FOREVER) but I’m looking forward to carrying on!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. peculiarb says:

    For anyone who likes a mix of fantasy and scifi, I wholeheartedly recommend V. E. Schwab’s ‘A Darker Shade of Magic’ series! Theres only one book out for now but the sequel comes out this year.

    Liked by 1 person

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