49 thoughts on “Currently Reading

  1. LyfWithEm says:

    More than this is THE BEST BOOK EVER! I read it in my book group at school for the Carnegie award last year and it’s so fantastic. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The Galaxial Word says:

    I’m actually currently reading this as well! It was brought to my attention by the We The Book Dragons Instagram account/goodreads club, and it was brought to their attention through the pervious owlcrate. Did you get it through owl crate as well?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. remarkablylisa says:

    This book looked super interesting from the first time I heard about it. I hope you enjoy everything about it all the way to the end! It’s such fun finding new bloggers to follow because I’m actually very new. I just started my blog yesterday and would love for you to check it out!

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  4. Eve Messenger says:

    Have you seen the movie? I just watched it this weekend and thought it captured the book really well. Emma Donaghue did a nice job with the screenplay. The actor who played the boy was SO believable. Brie Larsen, who played the mom–I’ve loved everything she’s been in. What a good actress.

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