Review: Golden Sun by Pierce Brown


Title: Golden Son

Author: Pierce Brown

Publisher: Del Ray

My rating: 5/5

Goodreads rating: 4.5/5

Genre: Science Fiction

Summary (Goodreads):

Golden Son continues the stunning saga of Darrow, a rebel forged by tragedy, battling to lead his oppressed people to freedom from the overlords of a brutal elitist future built on lies. Now fully embedded among the Gold ruling class, Darrow continues his work to bring down Society from within.



This book was perfect. Just ugh I loved it so much! I wasn’t expecting to love this sequel as much as I did. It was intoxicating, almost like a snake wrapping it’s self around your neck into you need to gasp for oxygen. This book was that snake. I swear I don’t know how I managed all of the heavy tension this book carries. Brown is a genius, who just craft the most wonderful story arcs and plot lines. This book was a no doubt five star book.


After Darrow accepts to be welcomed into the House of August and starts the trail of destruction Darrow conducts. Darrow has one goal; civil war and he must face his friends-turned traitors and the backlash from Octavia Au Lune if he even wants the Reds to rise. But it will cost everything and sometimes that cost in too heavy.

This book is so action packed and full of many merciless happenings. Even thing is heavy with tension but at the same time excitement. You want to know if Darrow has a plan up his sleeve or if he is at the mercy of luck and fate. I was gripped to every word and though this is a very dense book, after every chapter where I vowed to myself I will quit reading, I was dragged into another cliffhanger, another plot twist, another shock entrance. The plot was authentically harsh to Darrow which was refreshing, but well harsh on him too.

Everything was fast and I liked the fact that we didn’t have a full look into Darrow’s brain even though he was the POV. He kept secrets from us just like he kept secrets from everyone else, which made every daring move to shocking.  I liked that Brown referenced to a loose end about Eo into the plot as well. The ending of Golden Son was one of the most dramatic endings I have read. Your world just flips upside down and does a somersault. I was shaken, speechless but I loved it nonetheless. Golden Son had to end like that, Darrow’s past actions had serious consequences. It was marvelous, spectacular.


The writing was so gritty and rich I loved it. In Golden Sun we are still new to the Gold’s World, but I quickly caught up and the information that Brown gave us ultimately stuck in my mind, which was good as I got extra surprised with some of the curve balls that was tied to the politics. The extra informational pages at the start of the novel really helped me! Pierce Brown can write some great plots along with characters which really make this Sci-Fi tale something to read. It felt like every word was important, every mannerism. The writing was a smooth as silk but as gritty as grit. No expenses weren’t paid for, I loved how Pierce pushed the boundaries with Darrow’s characters so us as the reader could experience something suspenseful and it paid off massively, if not always in Darrow’s favour. He wrote some heart shattering scenes as well which really struck a cord with me as we get use to seeing Darrow being victorious, the winner.  Many of these moments are juxtaposed as well which adds to the ache.

Home isn’t where you’re from, it’s where you find light when all grows dark.”


Darrow is like the greatest protagonist made. I love him to death and not because he is smart, strong and handsome but because he just rings authentic. He is still so raw even from the first book and he is still holding himself together for Eo’s dream. Whenever that hope gets taken away from him, he become a shell of a man and when he gives up I feel like I need to egg him on to stand back up again. Though, I did adore the ‘I knew this was going to happen’ moments. Darrow is a badass but maybe a ruthless badasss.

Sevro was a great sidekick character and I think his character got developed a lot more in this book. Even though he is repulsive in many ways, he is so true and strong in many more. I think I am still indifferent with Mustang I respect her more I think. The Jackal is such a great, cold character I don’t know why I love him so much. Ragnar was a great addition to the crew as well, helping to shape Darrow and the rebellion.

What I liked:

  • Darrow is as strong, but as fragile as ever aka a great protagonist to follow
  • The story never gets boring
  • The writing is gripping
  • The politics in the book is genius!

What I disliked:

  • The tiny font my copy had.

Verdict: This book is just so great and full of energy, betrayal, hope and plot twists! I thought the second book in the series was suppose to be the bad book? This trilogy is quickly becoming my favourite and that is probably because of the great protagonist who is leading us into a civil war. Nothing is in stone and this book proves it. Read this series!





8 thoughts on “Review: Golden Sun by Pierce Brown

  1. Kat Impossible says:

    I can only agree on everything you said!!! I sometimes felt like being suffocated by all the tension, but I couldn’t put it away because I NEEDED to know what happened next. I so couldn’t deal with the ending, like I was looking if my book was missing pages. I felt like someone stabbed me in the heart and in the back at the same time. Now I am actually surprised that I am reading Morning Star as slow as I am … I don’t want it to end for good!

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