No Time For Reading? My Hobbies Are Taking Over!

Hey guys! It feels weird to be writing up a discussion post on a Saturday but just as I was thinking that there was nothing really bookish that I want to discuss sprung to mind, then biggest dilemma that I had encountered this week occurred to me!

This all really started on Monday really. So I am currently reading Heir of Fire and I read around 70 pages on Monday which got me to around the middle of the book as I read a good deal on Sunday. Then Tuesday happened. My friends and I were just discussing anime and I realised I want to kind of get back into anime, so that evening I picked up where I left of at Tokyo Ghoul and basically watched it into 2AM in the morning.


On Wednesday, I did the same thing but after I finished season 2 of Tokyo Ghoul I just went straight to revising.

So basically the reasons why I didn’t post on Tuesday and Wednesday was because of anime and I felt really really guilty.


By Thursday I think I basically shoved myself into a reading slump, so I had made no progress on Heir of Fire but managed to read the manga Tokyo Ghoul volume one and managed to do a review on it in the same day which was great, but then I went straight back to anime instead of back to looking at different blog posts which I normally did. I managed to post on Friday and now we are here on Saturday.

I just thought I should give some context to my problem before simply stating it.

I feel like I have too many hobbies.

I know, first world problem, but I still want to discuss it. I have reading, which I have completely thrown out of the window this week, writing, which I’ve been weakly keeping up with this week, blogging, which I failed dreadfully at this week and anime, which has been wining. Let’s not even talk about revision which has been on a slippery slope since the beginning of the year.


Again, first world problems I know-boohoo you’re into loads of stuff and you have no time- but gosh it’s annoying the hell out of me that I’m not more organised or that my time management isn’t better. It feels like everyday it’s ‘pick two of the bold words above and screw the rest’For sometime it’s been reading and blogging, reading being interchangeable with writing, but now that anime is being brought into the equation everything is falling.

I guess I just want to know if you have any hobbies other than blogging and reading and how you manage them all at once. Also, how do you make time to read?


As you can tell, I am not managing at all!

I guess that is it! Please comment down below about your thoughts and feels on this topic and I’ll be sure to comment back!

I’ll write soon!





24 thoughts on “No Time For Reading? My Hobbies Are Taking Over!

  1. Katherine Viti says:

    This is hard. You’ve just got to do your best, and not get too down on yourself when something takes up a “disproportionate” amount of your time. It’s your time, just spend it however makes you the happiest!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. jbgarner58 says:

    I think it all goes in cycles. In time, those hobbies will cycle around and then you’ll be worrying that you read too much or something!

    Besides, if you’re doing this for fun and not as a job, then you have no obligation to read x pages per day or what not. Do what you enjoy! Life’s too short to worry about that. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Read Diverse Books says:

    I’m still fairly new at blogging so it takes up a lot of my time because it’s new and exciting. I do spend less time watching television and playing video games now. I used to spend more time cooking and doing that as a hobby, but also do it less now due to blogging.

    Hopefully my life returns to normal once this blogging high subsides, but for a lot of my time is spent thinking about, reading & writing for my blog. Also, reading other blogs!


  4. DrAwkto says:

    Haha i totally know how you feel. And those words “who needs sleep” I totally understand that. I actually just finished writing up a post about my hobbies too. It’s queued up for next week. 😀

    If you’re interested in getting back into anime, bokumachi has been the talk of the season. Everyone is raving about how amazing it is. Not sure if you’ll enjoy it, but thought I should mention it. I’m watching it, but the anime is alright with me.

    Liked by 1 person

      • DrAwkto says:

        You’re welcome. I actually thought of how I balance the hobbies (cause i don’t address it with my post), and I found out I sacrifice something in order for the other to get done.

        Since I’m still a student, I read on my commutes to and from school. Also when I get ready for school, eg brushing my teeth.

        For games, I give myself less time to work on homework or study, in order , to get some gaming done. Haha not the best ways to combat my never ending hobbies. But yeah know. It works. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      • A Stranger's Guide to Novels says:

        Sacrifice is a thing I’m really familiar with as well, but I’m normally sacrificing school work which isn’t that good…
        I should really read on the bus but that is like the little time to think of my story I’m trying to form.
        Well if it gets you through the day thats all you can do 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Nicole.Ilene says:

    I always feel like there isn’t enough time in the day, especially during the week since I work full time. But I tend to put ‘writing’ and ‘blogging’ together, since I use both as outlets at times. Hope you find a balance 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. flowlessbooks says:

    Haha I totally understand ! Recently I started scrapbooking. This also takes time. So there are : reading, blogging [ and all the things that evolves around, like reading other bloggers’ posts], watching booktube videos, taking and posting book photos for bookstagram, watching tv shows (which I do less often). All of these have to share MY time with work and socializing (my friends won’t take “sorry I’m reading” for an answer hahaha)

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Ashleigh says:

    I have loads of hobbies too! For me there’s reading, blogging, singing, drawing/painting, and soon I’ll be back into watching TV series. How I manage them? I don’t. I mean, singing can be a multitask kind of hobby – if I want to draw, sing at the same time. I usually read in the evenings and blog in the mornings. But if I ever want to draw or paint, that’s an all day thing so everything else just goes out the window!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Ayunda says:

    I feel like it’s okay to have a lot of hobbies. The tricky part is having to prioritize and organize your time. I have the same problem, what with uni and socializing and reading books and watching TV shows and organizations and blogging…
    I now try to set different days: I try to only watch Youtube videos and write my blog posts on weekends so I can focus on uni work and reading books on the weekdays, or something like setting time for example to wake up early and write that blog post before you go to work, etc. ☺️

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