Hardback or Paperback?

The great book dilemma. To buy a book in paperback or in hardback.

For some people this is a really easy decision but for others it’s not. For me, I can categorically say that most of the books I own are paperbacks. I’m going to do another post about this to show the good and bad in both but today I want to know what books all of you go for.

As I said, I own more paperbacks because a)they are cheaper and b) they are easier to read with. Of course I would love to have the hardback covers for all of my Harry Potter books and the Throne Of Glass series, but for now I am content with my paperback collection.

My beautiful paperback of Queen Of The Tearling and my beautiful hardback of The Invasion Of The Tearling!

What’s your view? Or you are paperback junkie or hardback collector? Comment below!

I’ll write soon.


24 thoughts on “Hardback or Paperback?

  1. impossiblegirl123 says:

    I own more paperbacks than hardcovers, mostly because of the reasons you mentioned. They are cheaper and easier to read on the go and to take with you. However, I do feel like hardcovers are sometimes more beautiful and that bothers me and then I want to have them. Not all of them, but definitely some editions. When I was little, I only wanted hardcovers hahaha, so many of my favourite childhood books actually are hardcover.

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  2. Becca says:

    I honestly think I like paperbacks more. Hardcovers are nice and dont fall over as much, and also I dont have to worry about creasing. But i love the look of a loved book, which is easy with a paperback, and they’re easier to carry around since I bring a book with me everywhere. &they’re also cheaper.

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  3. The Book Adventurer says:

    Paperbacks, all the way. Hardcovers are so uncomfortable to read. All my paperbacks spines are still quite neat, I try not to bend then as much, except if it’s a really thick book. If you look after your paperbacks, they can still last you a long time. I only own one hardcover and it was a gift.

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  4. niksipiksi says:

    I usually only buy paperbacks because they’re cheaper. Even if I’m buying books on Book Depository )where books are relatively cheap). If I’m buying books in bookstores in my country there is no question at all which one I’ll pick up – books here are quite expensive. Here, paperbacks costs as much as hardcovers on Book Depository. But if I would have money I would buy only hardcovers. I think they are easier to read.

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    • A Stranger's Guide to Novels says:

      Yeah I know that books can be pretty expensive in some countries so many people just buy the hardcover. Hardcovers in the UK can be quite expensive as well, that’s why I just have loads of paperbacks. If only bookworms like us had money, all we want is to read and have a pretty bookcase!


  5. DrAwkto says:

    I own a mix of both. If I’m really excited to read a novel and I want it asap, I’ll pick up the hardcover. If not I’m fine with reading a paperback. I do fancy hardcovers a lot more because they look better. However hardcovers for books like Way Of Kings- Brandon Sanderson, they are extremely heavy to carry around. I once dropped it on my stomach and it hurt. The book is like a brick. Pretty sure it could be used as a weapon.

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